Majella Stylist & Salon Coach

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Managing the staffing shortage

Image: Greg Trowman

We are currently experiencing staffing shortages across a variety of industries, the hair and beauty industry among this group.

There are enough pressures on salon owners and managers to keep a happy work environment and retain staff under the current Covid-19 environment, and now, to find new staff when it is an “employees market”.  

Why is this happening?  

There has been an ongoing industry trend of only approximately 20% of apprentices actually complete their training, with 2020 resulting in the lowest number of new accredited stylists within the previous 5 years. Add to this the impact of Covid-19 on the industry.

The Australian Industry and Skills Committee is predicting the industry will not return to its pre-Covid levels until 2024, leaving many salons vying for the same few available stylists.  This is driving salaries and employment packages upward, and your current staff can be enticed away from your salon.

The cost of recruitment is far greater than the cost of retaining your team, so now is the time to invest in your culture and staff retention.

If you have any team members that are, or could potentially become slightly disengaged, your salon environment will be viewed through a scruitinous lens.  

Things about your salon’s culture that may have been accepted by the team or individual team members in the past, now have the potential to be a reason for that team member to look for greener pastures.

Invest in ongoing training and the development of a positive work culture in your salon.  Each member of the team must trust each other and clearly understand their roles and contribution to the success of the salon.  These elements are the secret ingredients to high performing team and harmonious workplace.