Eye shadow - it’s alluring - even before it gets onto you face. Packaged in pots, compacts and palettes, in creamy or powdery textures, eye shadow is one of the first things we are drawn to as little girls, playing “make-up” with our Mums or older sisters.
Eye shadow sets the tone of your look. It changes with where you are going, the outfit you are wearing and the time of day you will be wearing it. But, eye shadow is really all about our eye-shape, and accentuating or downplaying certain features to achieve a desired appearance.
The right application of make-up can make a young person look older or an older person appear more youthful. So eye shadow can be your friend or foe depending on how you are using it with your natural features. If you have deep set eyes, you don’t want your eye shadow to make them look deeper.
A trick of the trade is using shimmer eye shadow. Placement of the shimmer depends on the features of your face you want to accentuate or avoid. Shimmer draws the attention of the viewer so be mindful of the focal point you create with your make-up. If you have fine lines around your eyes, apply the shimmer to the inner eye to draw attention there - or use just on your eyelid with no expansion, you want to draw focus away from the lines. Work with a lighter shimmer such as a pale blue or white.
Remember, shimmer is not for every face or for every occasion. Definitely avoid if you are to be photographed, shimmer reflects and will not give you the cover girl shot you are ready for. And, finally, shimmer is best for a night out.
Once again, thanks for stopping by and if you have questions, please post them to my Facebook page.
Until next month beautiful ladies!