With a couple more months of warm weather, we still have many pool-side and beach days to enjoy. And while beauty never takes a holiday - make-up for every moment of our active lives is a thing.
The science of make-up has come long way in the last century, driven mostly by the demands of Hollywood make-up artists and hair stylists to keep leading ladies camera ready between often gruelling takes.
Max Factor was the first to consider make-up as a science and was behind the evolvement of techniques and ingredients used by Hollywood hair stylists and make-up artists during the golden era of the 1930’s and 1940’s.
Esther Williams, Hollywood’s perpetual mermaid bringing synchronised swimming to the movies, was also the mother of invention for hair and make-up products that held her look together in water. Waterproof mascara in particular was invented for her.
Waterproof mascara is still the most popular piece of waterproof make-up, but cosmetic companies also deliver eye shadows, lipsticks, concealers and blush and foundations designed to withstand a quick pool dip, rain, sleet, humidity and perspiration.
Keeping your make-up from running is just the half of it, breathable make-up is vital if you are wearing make-up throughout your day. Breathable products will protect your skin, reducing build-up in your pores - preventing dermatitis varieties.
Beyond movie and television sets, developments in waterproof and breathable make-up mean we can put the Glamour into most of our daily activities. Make-up science now considers our busy lives and we can hit the beach, the gym and the office, assured that our finished look also takes care of our skin.
So consider your lifestyle or the environment where you live or are travelling to when next making your make-up selections and keep yourself Hollywood ready and your skin happy.
“You are not born glamourous, Glamour is created!” - Max Factor
Now we know why they award Oscars to those unsung heroes in Hair and Make-up.
Until next month - Stay Glamourous!